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Being a Successful Entrepreneur and Innovation Through Tough

The key to success in winning an entrepreneur in the market is a force role in innovating and creating brilliant ideas in penetrating the market share.  The importance of this innovation has transformed many aspects of human life today. Try to imagine what's in the plant without innovation it all just weeds. What is the meaning of all minerals without innovation, everything is no more just rocks. Without innovation you'll never learn, the tree will never be a sheet of paper. The key to success in winning an entrepreneur in the market is a force role in innovating and creating brilliant ideas in penetrating the market share.  

The importance of this innovation has transformed many aspects of human life today. Try to imagine what's in the plant without innovation it all just weeds. What is the meaning of all minerals without innovation,  every thing is no more just rocks. Without innovation you'll never learn, the tree will never be a sheet of paper.  Of the many requirements of entrepreneurs, innovation is one of the absolute requirements and will be supporting the success of an entrepreneur or businessman. An entrepreneur becomes successful because it can create a new idea or a brilliant idea. For example, creating new ideas in product development or the creation of an idea for a new business opportunity that has never occurred to anyone else. To support the success in creating this idea, make the idea or ideas that are unique or different from those already on the market. 
To start a business, you do not be afraid to open a place of business that has a lot of players. With many players on a location, it has the advantage that it created a community and imagery. For example, to buy a Mobile in Jakarta, someone will always be remembered by Roxy, to search for books in Jakarta, you just come to Monday, people will go to the region of Yogyakarta Shopping Center, to find a typical street of Semarang people would think to look for it in the area of  street " pandanaran" special vend typical food of Semarang.

Then how to anticipate competition with many other players in it. What is needed is an innovation of the entrepreneurs themselves. That need to be created is how you make a differentiation (difference) or the uniqueness of your business. So you have a different business and to be ogled by others.  To be a successful entrepreneur and resilient through innovation, you have to apply some of the following: 
An entrepreneur must be able think Creative, which boldly out of the framework of an existing business. To produce something better. 
An entrepreneur must be able to read the direction of the business world. For example, currently widespread use of information technology in the business world. 
An entrepreneur must be able to demonstrate more value than its products, so that consumers do not feel the products offered are too expensive. 

An entrepreneur needs to foster a teamwork, leadership attitude, togetherness and building a good relationship with its employees. 
An entrepreneur must be able to establish a good personal approach with their surroundings and not get complacent with what has been achieved.

An entrepreneur must constantly upgrade their knowledge to improve business results that executable. It can be gone through by reading books, articles, the internet, or ask the experts. 
Lastly and most importantly, an entrepreneur must be able to respond to future challenges and capable of running the concepts of management and information technology. It aims to learn the business situation or a business that is rapidly growing and changing very rapidly. To the need for high creativity, good analytical, sharp intuition, networking capabilities that support, as well as proven strategies to market its products or services. 

Innovation does not mean creating a new product. Innovation can be anything tangible, ranging from, either in the form of services then product. Innovation can also be done by observing the products or services that already exist, and then make modifications to create better results. Or of such modifications will give birth to a new product again. How to innovate the Japanese style is the principle of the ATM; Observe echoes modification. That is one method that can be done. For example, in the automotive world, Japan is not the country that created the car, but only by imitating other nations that created it and then they make their own car with just a little modification and creativity, become Japan as one of the largest car manufacturers in the world.
The ability of an entrepreneur to innovate will determine the future success of the business. Because they are able to respond to changes in customers, and competitors in the business world. Therefore, if you want to successfully build a business, individual or employer to active and creative that conveys the idea as soon as possible before it is preceded by another person. 

Implementation of information systems failure can cause failure in the organization gain the confidence of businesses and consumers. The failure is caused by: 
Lack of support from the executive or management 
Approval from all levels of the project management information system makes the project will positively perceived by users and the technical service staff information. Such support can be realized in the form of appreciation for the time and effort that has been devoted to the project, that the project would receive support sufficient funding, as well as the necessary organizational changes. Thus, the lack of commitment of top executives to further engage in the project resulted in the implementation of enterprise information systems to be in vain. 
Executive involvement in the development of enterprise information systems in the socialization process also determines the success of information systems. Socialization process of new information systems is a process of organizational change. Most people in the organization will survive, because the change of uncertainty and threat to their position and role. However, the process of organizational change is necessary to the management of change during the process of socialization of new information systems. Some of the risks and consequences of improper management in information system development is as follows. 
The cost of excessive as to exceed the budget. 
Exceeding the time that has been predicted. 
The technical shortcomings resulted in performance that was below the level of thought. 
Failure to obtain the expected benefits. 

The lack of involvement or input from the end user (end user) 
the positive attitude of users towards information systems will support the success or failure of information systems implementation. A positive attitude in the form of support and competence from the user, as well as the good relationship between users and technicians are factors favorable attitude (favorable attitudes) and is essential for the successful implementation of information systems. A positive attitude determines action, and will be associated with high levels of usage (high levels of use) and satisfaction (satisfaction) of the system. 

In addition, user involvements in the design and operation of information systems have some positive results. First, if the user is deeply involved in the design of the system, he will have the opportunity to adopt the system according to the priorities and needs of the business, and more opportunities to control the outcome. Second, users tend to react more positively to the system because they are active participants in the process of change itself. 

Communication gaps between users and designers of information systems occur because users and information systems specialists tend to have differences in backgrounds, interests and priorities. This is often said to be a communication gap between the user and the designer (user-designer communication gap). 

Do not Have Adequate Planning the development and implementation of information systems that are not supported by careful planning will not be able to bridge the desires and interests of the various parties in the company. This is because the system is not being run in accordance with the direction and objectives of the company. Therefore, companies that do not have a core competency in the field of information technology should be not to force to become a leader in information technology investment. 

Most of the service providers of information technology are less sensitive to the company's management, but only focus on the tools that will be developed. This is a weakness that requires companies to clearly identify the needs and specifications of the information system that will be applied the following benefits to the company. The willingness of the company in designing the implementation of information systems based on available resources is believed to enhance the company's competitive advantage. 

Incompetence in Technology The success of information system development is not just dependent on the use of tools or technology alone, but also humans as designers and users. Bonder and Hopwood (1995) in Murdaningsih (2009) argued that the change from a manual system to a computerized system is not only a change in technology but also behavioral and organizational change. Approximately 30 percent of the new information system development failures due to lack of attention to organizational aspects. Therefore, the development of information systems planning and implementation require a careful, to avoid any rejection of the developed system (resistance to change). The information system should be developed to meet the needs and desires of the users. The complexity of the system is not a guarantee of performance improvement, even be counterproductive if it is not supported by the readiness of human resources in the implementation stage. It is often the case, especially on the knowledge of information technology companies lower. If the development of information systems delivered to people who are less competent in their field then it would be fatal for the company when the system has been implemented. 

Success Starts From Dreams