Growing Courage To Entrepreneurship
There is an assumption that the entrepreneurial talents of birth and therefore can not be taught. Is this true? Apparently so not. The above assumption is not correct, because the definition of entrepreneurship is not grounded in talent from birth, but is closely related to action. So act or action that determines one's success to become entrepreneurs or not. Understanding entrepreneurship.
Before the term entrepreneur as popular as it is today, we used to hear the term entrepreneur. The word "entrepreneur" is derived from the primary meaning Wire, gallant, brave, noble, exemplary or fighters. Saw means meant to stand alone and Sta. So the self-employed (entrepreneur) means the main fighter, gallant, noble, brave and worthy of being role models in the business with a foundation to stand on its own feet.
Definition of entrepreneurship is much made by the experts, but they look from each perspective. In order are entrepreneurship can be applied in accordance with the state of our environment, it has been agreed the following definition. Entrepreneurship is an integrated unity of the spirit, values, and principles and attitudes, strong, art, and real action that is necessary, appropriate and superior in handling and developing the company or other activities that lead to the best service to the customer and other stakeholders in stakeholders including the community, the nation and the state. The phenomenon of self-employment
I believe, that every year has been quite a lot of people who enter the business world. They generally do a three way. Namely, buying an existing business, becoming partner, or start the new business.
If we are going to start a new business, of course we should be able to answer these four questions.
First, whether the product or service that we will make, and it is for whom?
Secondly, why should the business? Why prospective customers should buy from us? What would we give for if the product does not yet exist? What about the competition? What benefits will we get from the competition?
Third, do we have a source? Are we going to get the order? Is the order coming soon? Fourth, whom we market? So where did the idea to start a new business come from? According to one study, most of the employers and idea of the experience gained while working in the same industry. But it shows that employers like it were only the courage to start a new business because of the sheer look at the bright side only. According Purdi Chandra, if we really want to start a new business, should market more opportunities we make footing.
Therefore, it is time we dare to start a new business. It is not easy, because it requires serious analysis and planning. However, we must be sure that the idea of starting a new business is not too difficult. The idea can come from anywhere in different ways. Once the business idea was developed with clear, the new business will undoubtedly evolve. Moreover, after the first evaluation, we hold carefully, whether it relates to customers and competitors.
Starting a business does not have to have money first.
Could we start a business without cash? Why not! If we are able to optimize our thinking, it will be many paths that can be taken in dealing with the problem of capital to us to start a business. Only problem is, where did the money come from? Logically, all business that need money.
Indeed, most of us always complain the lack of capital money as the reason why we are lazy entrepreneurship. In fact, capital is the most vital fact is not money, but the non-physical capital, in the form of motivation and courage to start the passionate.
I am sure, if it can be met, then the search for capital money is not an issue that is not possible, although personally we do not have the money. While we already know, that the business opportunity was there in plain sight. Of course, it would be nice if we do not put it off to start a business.
Yet we know that in fact many sources of capital. Such as savings, severance pay, and loans at the bank and in the cooperative or from financial institutions or from other parties. However, if we did not have the money savings, severance pay or say no courage to borrow money in the bank or cooperative, I guess we also do not need to worry. Because there is no way to start a business, even though we do not have the cash though.
For example, we could be an intermediary. For example, the intermediary buying and selling houses, buying and selling motorcycles and others. The advantage that we can be out of commission sales or other means above we deal with the owner of the product. I am sure, we can do it.
We can also make the effort with the way consumers make payments in advance. In this case, we can look for businesses where consumers are the target of our business was willing to pay or spend money before the business process, either services or products, it happens. For example, can be done in a service business, such as the educational services industry. Where, students are required to pay first before the educational process that happens before.
It could also, for example, there are people who ordered goods to us, but before the goods ordered it so, the consumer has given an advance first. That is, it is the same we have been given capital by consumers.
There are still other ways to start a business without cash we have. For example, using the system for results. We cooperate and benefits were divided according to mutual agreement. Or we might want another way? Of course there is. For example, we can do it with a barter system with suppliers, and even if we have a particular expertise, why not just become a consultant. In addition, it could be the way we take first product to be traded, only we can do for payment after the product is sold to consumers. Of course, there are many other ways for us to start a business without cash.
Therefore, in my opinion, we should not be discouraged or afraid despised, if it turns out we did not have the cash but eager to start a business. I am sure, we have a great willingness to become an entrepreneur, then at least there will always be the way to start a business. In fact, not a few entrepreneurs who have achieved success when starting a business even without having the cash first.
It shows that is not true when someone says "There's no way we start a business without cash." The key actually lies in the motivation and courage to start a business we are passionate. However, to achieve success quickly, especially without having cash is not as easy as turning the palm of our hands. Reading Opportunities jelly.
There is an interesting comment: "I am so so many business ideas, but in fact none of the business idea was realized. Consequently, I just rich idea, but no business?". Actually around us is so many kinds of businesses that can be achieved. However, we have to really understand the needs of the consumer society. For example, in some cities in the United States, many businesses are developed from simple ideas such as businesses awaken the sleeping (morning call). Strange, but it is real.
Perhaps now is not much that we find. However, I believe if we are creative, will be able to see business opportunities as much as possible and was able to catch one or two of them. In short, business opportunities will never be endless, as long as humans are still running the livelihood interests of his life in this world. Specific skills can also be used as a business opportunity. Skilled in the field of electronics, for example, can open up a business improvement and maintenance of electronic equipment. Experts in the field can open up a business computer software and hardware. Skilled in the machine, it could start a business of servicing the motor or car. Or perhaps, have a distinctively creative and unique, we can pioneer creative businesses, such as handicrafts.
The level of education we can also be business opportunities with professional development. Eg open undergraduate mathematics courses in mathematics. British Literature degree to start a business by opening a British language courses.Business opportunities also exist within the family. May start with food or catering business and family can be invited as well, and this business can be managed from home.
Opportunity was also present in the work environment, organizational and neighbors.Of course, in the neighborhood of our many friends. So, if you have a specific product, we might sell these products to them. Even our relationships can also be a business opportunity. For example, the relation can borrow money for business capital. The resulting product, but can be sold to someone else, it's also in our relationships. By doing so, we not only observant seek business opportunities, but also able to create a market.
Similarly, if you have a hobby. Such as painting, can be a painter, and painting it can be sold digaleri. In fact, the business opportunities that can be achieved when we travel out of town. Business ideas can arise when we look at the business in another city, and it could be developed in the city itself. However, in order that the business will not run in vain, it's good to make sure the market.
But, of course, the business opportunities that can only be achieved, if we are observant and persistent. Remember the adage that says: "No effort, no results".Therefore, you should not hesitate in any business opportunities that exist around us.About the size of opportunities do not matter. Seize the first opportunity. And, do not worry, the next business opportunity that will surely follow. Business is always flowing, like a snowball, starting small and then agglomerate into large »(
How to find capital One alternative capital gain is seeking a loan to the bank. Actually, to get credit from banks is not as complicated as it seems. The proof, many people get it. In principle, the bank will only give credit to the people you trust. Therefore, the things we need to do is convince the bank to believe in us. The trick? Fulfill all requirements requested!
- Debtor
Bank credit recipients split into two groups, namely the individual debtor and the debtor company. Of course, the requirements for the two different types of borrowers. When we apply for credit in your name, then we include the individual debtor. It consists of individual debtors can work as doctors, artists, civil servants, fashion designers, architects, private sector employees, vendors, and others. When we apply for credit on behalf of a group or company, then we called the debtor company or business entity. All forms of legitimate businesses (such as PT, CV, firm, etc.), can apply for credit.
- Individual Debtor
Bank will further distinguish the individual debtor in three categories, namely entrepreneurs, employees, and professionals, according profession each debtor.Requirements requested generally the same, namely:
1. Photocopies of identity (ID card, driving license, or passport).
2. Copy of marriage certificate (for those who are married).
3. Copy of family card
4. Copy of rekekening newspaper / checking or savings last 6-3 months.
5. Copy of salary slips and letter of the company's work (for employees).
- Debtor Company
Requirements requested for the debtor group, among others:
Evidence legality of the company
Copy of the identity of the managers of the company (directors and commissioners).
Copy of TIN (taxpayer identification number).
Copy of Business License (Business License of Trade).
Copy of the Articles of the Company of a Notary.
Copy of TDP (Company Registration).
- Financial Performance
Coffee bank statement / passbook account or at any bank for 6 s / d 3 months.
Other financial data, such as balance sheet, income statement, a record daily sales and purchases, and other accounting data.
- Assurance
Banks usually will ask for more collateral convince ourselves, that we are worthy of credit. Many forms, can be a certificate or securities, may also form in the form of land, buildings, motor vehicles, and others. Importantly, the value is greater than or (at least) equal to the amount of credit received